Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Headache Continues

Even though classes have ended, finals are done, our stress with school is not quite over yet. We still have to wait for our grades to come in, decide what classes we're going to take next semester, and if want to take a summer class or two. The question is when does it all end? We have a break during the summer but is a truly a break? And if so what kind of break is it? At the end we end up going right but to school to the same routine for the next nine months or so. I feel we're truly never done stressing school even when we graduate. Once we graduate we have internships, graduate school, and breaking in to the work field. For the most part it is the most worthiness stress any of us have ever felt. It is a stress that comes from working hard to accomplish a goal, a dream, a right of passage to experience. I for one feel the headache will never stop and it is a headache worth having.

We Americans have got to eat healthier!

As americans we tend to always eat out, weather its a diner, fast-food restaraunt, or even a drive thru, where we basically dont even have to walk. Growing up as kids we don't really pay mind to the nutritional facts of the foods we eat, as long as its sweet or greasy good we chose that. I feel like America has everything big.. the biggest cars, biggest houses', buildings, and lastley the biggest people. And as Americans we are big eaters, i know this because i currently work at Wendys and about 15% of people acually get a salad with water, the rest have a medium or large combo. For months I noticed that we tend to stuff ourselves even when we are full. I am not gonna lie, I do acually myself have alot more food that my stomach can digest but we always eat till we feel full.

Now that summer is right around the corner we tend to wait till the last minute to acually begin eating healthier and hit the gym. Not only americans but everyone who goes on a diet will never stick to it because they feel that as soon as they lose that 10lbs, that it is okay to eat anything. To me I say that it is not a diet, it is a change in life style. For example growing up I was a heavy kid(not obese) but over weight. I began eating less and working out and I acually did see a major result, but as soon as I had lost lbs I began eating like i use to and got back to wear i started. Until I got to high school and realized about nutritional facts on the back of food. After that I noticed how even schools still serve us fatty foods such as fries, pizza, burgers, and sugar drinks as well. Basically to us americans these food not only taste delicious but as more cheaper than the $6 salads we never chose to have.
So this is basically how i feel how as Americans we tend to pig out on the wrong foods.

I'm Different. What's it to You?

Once, when I was in high school, a girl approached me and asked why I was into the things that I was into. See, I was the girl that loved rock music and it showed in the way I dressed. I loved games, comics, language -especially Japanese- and shows like Firefly. My high school was in Brooklyn; so it would be a understatement to say that I didn't quite blend well with a lot of kids that went there. Sure, I got along with everyone but I sure as hell didn't fit in.

I explained to her that the things I'm into have been apart of my life since I could remember and that they influence me. She then replied, "Oh, okay. I just wanted to know why because everyone thinks you and your friend -my friend who was my partner in crime and very similar to myself- are weird." Um...thanks? The things is, I've always known that people thought that I was weird. I saw how they looked at me. But I've never had anyone blatantly tell me it to my face.

Fast forward to present day. Yesterday, there were people salsa dancing in the cafeteria at City Tech. I saw them and I thought nothing of it. But two friends commented that they "hate when people do weird sh*t like that. Just dance out of nowhere when the time doesn't call for it." I totally didn't understand it. Who cares if they wanted to dance? Why did it even matter?

"I hate weird people." That's what one of my friends said. This immediately brought me back to high school. I had wondered if anyone ever said the same about me. I wondered if I had ever "wronged" someone because I was different.

"I guess you hate me because I'm different. As a matter of fact, I'm a lot like those people over there. And you know what else? They're actually really cool people." I retorted.

I'm gonna really blunt here. If you feel like you're above people because you're so called 'normal', then you need to get way over yourself. People were made to be individuals and if you hate that about people, if you hate the things that makes us different, I feel sorry for you because you're just a sheep.

- Madam Tartuffe

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Ladies! Get It Together!

You know what I don't understand? Women who complain about how men aren't any good when they continue to date loser after loser.

I have a friend and she's one of those "men ain't sh*t", types. When we were in high school, there was a boy that liked her. He was cute, intelligent, tall, sweet -and most importantly- he actually liked her. But you know what she said? "He's not my type." Wait. What?

He's not your type? How is cute, sweet and smart not your type? That right there is the kind of foolishness that annoys me to no end. It's not that men ain't sh*t -albeit some are- but it's that you continue messing with dudes not worth the time of day. Stop actively seeking out men that won't bring any positivity to your life!

Also, I feel like women need to stop limiting themselves to only dating within their ethnicity. I've witnessed a woman pass up a good man that liked them and was willing to take care of house and home all because of his ethnicity. Ladies. Check yourselves!

Think about what's important in the long run. Wouldn't you want someone that'll take of you and treat you right in the long run?

- Madam Tartuffe

Blogging: A Form of Journalism or a Rant?

During the duration of this course my perception on blogging has changed. At first I use to think oh blogging that's people getting online and just ranting and raving their views on things that are going on in the world. To me journalism is the things you see in a newspaper or in magazine, less opinions, more facts, that sort of stuff. Then as the class progressed I started to realize that blogging is a style of journalism. When we see all these website and we see people talking about what is going on in the world they are a form of a journalism.

Being opinionated and boasting about your views on something is completely a form of a journalism. It may not be the style of journalism I'm accustom to, but definitely one I really like. I see that this form of journalism is an easier way to express how you feel while informing the masses. To say whatever you feel on anything is pretty cool if you ask me. So I went to believing that blogging was just a way you can rant about your views.

The World Is Ending! Supposedly?

I don't know about you guys but I know I'm kind of getting fed up with this world is ending stuff. It's like every other day we hear that the world is gonna end on such and such day at such and such time. Like really? So yeah the bible may be warning us that the world will be ending, but to put a date on it is impossible. No one can truly figure out when it's going to happen.

So yeah he bible has said some things that have already happen and that's why people are predicting the end is near. I feel as just because a few of those things happened doesn't mean everything else is going to follow in its immediate path. We all don't know what going to happen next so we can't sit here and put a date on when the world is gonna end. All this dates being thrown around is actually getting me annoyed. First it was to be on May 21st, 2011.

As we can see the world didn't have a huge earthquake and that would of been the end of us obviously we're still here. Next I heard we have until October 21st, 2011 to live. Then there's the whole December 21st (or 12th), 2012 when everyone really thinks we are going to die. All I have to say is that this is nonsense. If the world ends, the world ends.

When it happens there is nothing we can do about. Being on earth now there's nothing we can do to prevent it from happening. Making up dates for "doomsday" will not make the situation any better. We should just all relax and enjoy whatever time we have left because even if the world ends we are all going to die some day anyways.

Monday, May 23, 2011

What I Love About the iPad!

Alright. I still haven't gotten the iPad 2 but the 1st generation is awesome. I mean it's basically a tablet computer that can play movies and tunes but can also be used for books, games and internet access. People usually don’t believe that the iPad can be used for real work. I like to refer it as a bigger version of the iTouch. Even though there are a few pros and cons, its still pretty sweet!

The iPad 2 was released early this year and it is a little different from the original iPad. But I know they both have a 10-hour battery life. Some people always question on whether or not the iPad is useful to get work done or if it is just for simple play. The iPad can do both. The keyboard on an iPad can be enlarged and you can type using your thumbs. If you lay an iPad flat you can also type on it like a keyboard. The iPad works like the iPod in that you are able to turn it horizontally for a wide view or vertically for a lengthy view.

The iPad has auto-typing and auto-correct such as any Word Processor which is kind of a pain if you are like me; always shortening words. But, the iPad can make mistakes with spaces and punctuation so it would take one time to adjust their fingers to the screen of the iPad to avoid making mistakes. Work can also be done on the iPad by the iWork feature. This feature allows you to work with e-mail, notes, memos, address books and calendars.

A lot of people say that the iPad 2 is alot firmer and lighter than the iPad 1, which is true. I know that I get tired from holding my ipad for several hours, but with the iPad 2 it is said to be 33% thinner and lighter. I soon want to get myself the iPad 2 but for now have to keep working to save up!

If you want some more info about getting the ipad visit :

Edited by: M.W.
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