Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Just another Weekend.........of weddings, beatifications and dead infamous terrorists

It is springtime and the season is ripe in the media for news stories. April showers truly have blossomed into May flowers. Three major events have occured surrounding the May Day in the arena of politics, religion and ancient royalty. These are the stories the general populace eat up and spread like creame cheese on a fresh bagel.

In royal British history Prince William Windosr has married Kate Middleton in an elaborate Anglican ceremony at Westminster Abbey by Dr. Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury and Primate of the Anglican Communion. The royal couple tied the knot early Friday morning in the presence of clergy, nobility and close friends. Outside the Abbey and other hotspots to glean the couple thousands of fans and wellwishers camped alongside barricades in the hope of seeing the bride and groom. Up to a million people around the globe followed the tedious proceedings via television, radio, internet feeds and satellite.

Whether you wanted to see the bride's dress or see the spectacle of history most were pleased. Extensive coverage of the Wedding was provided by various networks. Many fans recalled the wedding of Princess Diana and Prince Charles at Saint Paul's Cathedral in 1981 and the subsequent divorce and tragic death of Diana. The populace was excited then and the world is excited more than ever. In the sermon preached by the bishop of London mentioned Saint Catherine of Siena and emphasized the importance of marriage in society hardly present today. Following the wedding the newlyweds went to Buckingham Palace via horsedrawn carriage to take wedding photos with the family. As coreographed the couple greeted exuberant fans at the balcony and kissed twice before leaving to the grand reception and party.

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The next event which riled up the world was the beatification of Pope John Paul II. The day before the ceremony a Vigil was held at the Circus Maximus in Rome. At the Vigil the nun whose Parkinson's disease was miraculously healed by the late Pontiff delivered a moving testimony as did his former secretary Cardinal Stanislaw Dziwisz. The next day throngs of pilgrims overflowed into Saint Peter's Square and the surrounding streets to see the ceremony presided by Pope Benedict XVI. After the formal petition made by the Cardinal the Pope pronounced John Paul II as beatified sitting at his throne by the altar. The crowds cheered and expressed emotions of joy.

Two nuns presented a reliquary containing the blood of the blessed to the Pontiff who proceeded to venerate it with passion. The Mass and Regina Coeli address continued as usual. In his homily Pope Benedict XVI praised the blessed Pope and relayed his experiences about working with him when he was a Cardinal in the Vatican. Following the Mass the coffin of Blessed John Paul II was placed in front of the main altar in the basilica. The Pope, cardinals, bishops and other clergy present had the oppurtunity to venerate the coffin. The faithful also had an oppurtunity to venerate the coffin until it was placed under the altar at the chapel of Saint Sebastian by the statue of the Pieta. The day after the joyous ceremony a final Mass of thanksgiving was celebrated by the Cardinal Secretary of State Tarcisio Bertone in Saint Peter's Square. As usual large numbers of pilgrims and tourists filled the square in honor of this beloved and blessed Pope.

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The Last bit of news for the weekend was the death and burial of Osama Bin Laden. This was formally announced by President Barack Obama in a Sunday evening Press Conference at the White House. Americans reacted with hope and joy at the unraveling development. Many crowded the streets in Ground Zero, the White House and Times Square for celebatory moments of happiness chanting USA! over and over. According to local newsreports Osama had been hiding in a house in Pakistan for five to six years. Before his capture a struggle ensued in which a woman was used as a shield and killed. Osama was also killed and his body taken by US Navy Seals. He was buried at sea and according to the religious Islamic custom and ritual. Though we still somberly mourn the victims of September 11 and other terrorist attacks we also anticipate September 12 by which the world heals from the wound of evil and recovers with the hope and charity of humanity.

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