Monday, May 23, 2011

When Fan Obsession Goes Too Far

Last night, I had the pleasure of seeing the Korean R&B/pop trio JYJ perform. Their performance was full of energy, fun and riveting! There were a number of provocative numbers but that was to be expected of a show with hot female backup dancers and a group with members in their 20's. Personally, my friends and I throughly enjoyed that aspect of the show. Displays of sexuality have never bothered me and I have no problem with grown men (emphasis on grown men) being sexual beings. It's only natural. Right?

Unethical. That's what JYJ is being called after their concert in Newark, New Jersey. There were a number of parents in attendance and I assumed that the comments made would have come from parents who deemed the show inappropriate for the children they accompanied. But alas, the comment were made by fans who attended the show. Not only is the group being deemed as such but the backup dancers are getting a considerable amount of heat as well.

Wait a minute. Seriously?

"F**k these sluts." "These girls need to back off!" "I don't like those girls touching JYJ like that." Having been in the Korean music circle for close to seven years, I'm used to these kind of comments. However, enough is enough and I'm putting these types of fans on full blast!

So their backup dancers can be slut shamed and not the performing act? Last I checked, it's JYJ's concert. If they didn't want to be felt up by their female dancers, or do any feeling up themselves, they would have declined. As a matter of fact, they seemed to be fully enjoying themselves. At least that's what I got when I saw one of the members staring at one dancers backside when the spotlight faded after his solo had come to an end.

Jealousy is not a good look. The only reason these comments are being made is because these fans would like to be in the female's position. Look at what happened when it was revealed that Justin Bieber was dating Selena Gomez. Gomez caught the worst of it. The slut shaming, the threats, and the insults. But I have a few questions.

Who the hell are you to determine that these females are sluts? Who the hell are you to insist that these females aren't good enough for the object of your obsession? Who the hell are you to determine that they shouldn't date? You needn't fasten a chastity belt onto the celebrity you like because you don't know them, they don't know you and it will probably always be that way.

So if anything, it's you that needs to back the hell off and let them be normal human beings.

- Madam Tartuffe


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