Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Headache Continues

Even though classes have ended, finals are done, our stress with school is not quite over yet. We still have to wait for our grades to come in, decide what classes we're going to take next semester, and if want to take a summer class or two. The question is when does it all end? We have a break during the summer but is a truly a break? And if so what kind of break is it? At the end we end up going right but to school to the same routine for the next nine months or so. I feel we're truly never done stressing school even when we graduate. Once we graduate we have internships, graduate school, and breaking in to the work field. For the most part it is the most worthiness stress any of us have ever felt. It is a stress that comes from working hard to accomplish a goal, a dream, a right of passage to experience. I for one feel the headache will never stop and it is a headache worth having.

We Americans have got to eat healthier!

As americans we tend to always eat out, weather its a diner, fast-food restaraunt, or even a drive thru, where we basically dont even have to walk. Growing up as kids we don't really pay mind to the nutritional facts of the foods we eat, as long as its sweet or greasy good we chose that. I feel like America has everything big.. the biggest cars, biggest houses', buildings, and lastley the biggest people. And as Americans we are big eaters, i know this because i currently work at Wendys and about 15% of people acually get a salad with water, the rest have a medium or large combo. For months I noticed that we tend to stuff ourselves even when we are full. I am not gonna lie, I do acually myself have alot more food that my stomach can digest but we always eat till we feel full.

Now that summer is right around the corner we tend to wait till the last minute to acually begin eating healthier and hit the gym. Not only americans but everyone who goes on a diet will never stick to it because they feel that as soon as they lose that 10lbs, that it is okay to eat anything. To me I say that it is not a diet, it is a change in life style. For example growing up I was a heavy kid(not obese) but over weight. I began eating less and working out and I acually did see a major result, but as soon as I had lost lbs I began eating like i use to and got back to wear i started. Until I got to high school and realized about nutritional facts on the back of food. After that I noticed how even schools still serve us fatty foods such as fries, pizza, burgers, and sugar drinks as well. Basically to us americans these food not only taste delicious but as more cheaper than the $6 salads we never chose to have.
So this is basically how i feel how as Americans we tend to pig out on the wrong foods.

I'm Different. What's it to You?

Once, when I was in high school, a girl approached me and asked why I was into the things that I was into. See, I was the girl that loved rock music and it showed in the way I dressed. I loved games, comics, language -especially Japanese- and shows like Firefly. My high school was in Brooklyn; so it would be a understatement to say that I didn't quite blend well with a lot of kids that went there. Sure, I got along with everyone but I sure as hell didn't fit in.

I explained to her that the things I'm into have been apart of my life since I could remember and that they influence me. She then replied, "Oh, okay. I just wanted to know why because everyone thinks you and your friend -my friend who was my partner in crime and very similar to myself- are weird." Um...thanks? The things is, I've always known that people thought that I was weird. I saw how they looked at me. But I've never had anyone blatantly tell me it to my face.

Fast forward to present day. Yesterday, there were people salsa dancing in the cafeteria at City Tech. I saw them and I thought nothing of it. But two friends commented that they "hate when people do weird sh*t like that. Just dance out of nowhere when the time doesn't call for it." I totally didn't understand it. Who cares if they wanted to dance? Why did it even matter?

"I hate weird people." That's what one of my friends said. This immediately brought me back to high school. I had wondered if anyone ever said the same about me. I wondered if I had ever "wronged" someone because I was different.

"I guess you hate me because I'm different. As a matter of fact, I'm a lot like those people over there. And you know what else? They're actually really cool people." I retorted.

I'm gonna really blunt here. If you feel like you're above people because you're so called 'normal', then you need to get way over yourself. People were made to be individuals and if you hate that about people, if you hate the things that makes us different, I feel sorry for you because you're just a sheep.

- Madam Tartuffe

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Ladies! Get It Together!

You know what I don't understand? Women who complain about how men aren't any good when they continue to date loser after loser.

I have a friend and she's one of those "men ain't sh*t", types. When we were in high school, there was a boy that liked her. He was cute, intelligent, tall, sweet -and most importantly- he actually liked her. But you know what she said? "He's not my type." Wait. What?

He's not your type? How is cute, sweet and smart not your type? That right there is the kind of foolishness that annoys me to no end. It's not that men ain't sh*t -albeit some are- but it's that you continue messing with dudes not worth the time of day. Stop actively seeking out men that won't bring any positivity to your life!

Also, I feel like women need to stop limiting themselves to only dating within their ethnicity. I've witnessed a woman pass up a good man that liked them and was willing to take care of house and home all because of his ethnicity. Ladies. Check yourselves!

Think about what's important in the long run. Wouldn't you want someone that'll take of you and treat you right in the long run?

- Madam Tartuffe

Blogging: A Form of Journalism or a Rant?

During the duration of this course my perception on blogging has changed. At first I use to think oh blogging that's people getting online and just ranting and raving their views on things that are going on in the world. To me journalism is the things you see in a newspaper or in magazine, less opinions, more facts, that sort of stuff. Then as the class progressed I started to realize that blogging is a style of journalism. When we see all these website and we see people talking about what is going on in the world they are a form of a journalism.

Being opinionated and boasting about your views on something is completely a form of a journalism. It may not be the style of journalism I'm accustom to, but definitely one I really like. I see that this form of journalism is an easier way to express how you feel while informing the masses. To say whatever you feel on anything is pretty cool if you ask me. So I went to believing that blogging was just a way you can rant about your views.

The World Is Ending! Supposedly?

I don't know about you guys but I know I'm kind of getting fed up with this world is ending stuff. It's like every other day we hear that the world is gonna end on such and such day at such and such time. Like really? So yeah the bible may be warning us that the world will be ending, but to put a date on it is impossible. No one can truly figure out when it's going to happen.

So yeah he bible has said some things that have already happen and that's why people are predicting the end is near. I feel as just because a few of those things happened doesn't mean everything else is going to follow in its immediate path. We all don't know what going to happen next so we can't sit here and put a date on when the world is gonna end. All this dates being thrown around is actually getting me annoyed. First it was to be on May 21st, 2011.

As we can see the world didn't have a huge earthquake and that would of been the end of us obviously we're still here. Next I heard we have until October 21st, 2011 to live. Then there's the whole December 21st (or 12th), 2012 when everyone really thinks we are going to die. All I have to say is that this is nonsense. If the world ends, the world ends.

When it happens there is nothing we can do about. Being on earth now there's nothing we can do to prevent it from happening. Making up dates for "doomsday" will not make the situation any better. We should just all relax and enjoy whatever time we have left because even if the world ends we are all going to die some day anyways.

Monday, May 23, 2011

What I Love About the iPad!

Alright. I still haven't gotten the iPad 2 but the 1st generation is awesome. I mean it's basically a tablet computer that can play movies and tunes but can also be used for books, games and internet access. People usually don’t believe that the iPad can be used for real work. I like to refer it as a bigger version of the iTouch. Even though there are a few pros and cons, its still pretty sweet!

The iPad 2 was released early this year and it is a little different from the original iPad. But I know they both have a 10-hour battery life. Some people always question on whether or not the iPad is useful to get work done or if it is just for simple play. The iPad can do both. The keyboard on an iPad can be enlarged and you can type using your thumbs. If you lay an iPad flat you can also type on it like a keyboard. The iPad works like the iPod in that you are able to turn it horizontally for a wide view or vertically for a lengthy view.

The iPad has auto-typing and auto-correct such as any Word Processor which is kind of a pain if you are like me; always shortening words. But, the iPad can make mistakes with spaces and punctuation so it would take one time to adjust their fingers to the screen of the iPad to avoid making mistakes. Work can also be done on the iPad by the iWork feature. This feature allows you to work with e-mail, notes, memos, address books and calendars.

A lot of people say that the iPad 2 is alot firmer and lighter than the iPad 1, which is true. I know that I get tired from holding my ipad for several hours, but with the iPad 2 it is said to be 33% thinner and lighter. I soon want to get myself the iPad 2 but for now have to keep working to save up!

If you want some more info about getting the ipad visit :

Edited by: M.W.

When Fan Obsession Goes Too Far


Last night, I had the pleasure of seeing the Korean R&B/pop trio JYJ perform. Their performance was full of energy, fun and riveting! There were a number of provocative numbers but that was to be expected of a show with hot female backup dancers and a group with members in their 20's. Personally, my friends and I throughly enjoyed that aspect of the show. Displays of sexuality have never bothered me and I have no problem with grown men (emphasis on grown men) being sexual beings. It's only natural. Right?

Unethical. That's what JYJ is being called after their concert in Newark, New Jersey. There were a number of parents in attendance and I assumed that the comments made would have come from parents who deemed the show inappropriate for the children they accompanied. But alas, the comment were made by fans who attended the show. Not only is the group being deemed as such but the backup dancers are getting a considerable amount of heat as well.

Wait a minute. Seriously?

"F**k these sluts." "These girls need to back off!" "I don't like those girls touching JYJ like that." Having been in the Korean music circle for close to seven years, I'm used to these kind of comments. However, enough is enough and I'm putting these types of fans on full blast!

So their backup dancers can be slut shamed and not the performing act? Last I checked, it's JYJ's concert. If they didn't want to be felt up by their female dancers, or do any feeling up themselves, they would have declined. As a matter of fact, they seemed to be fully enjoying themselves. At least that's what I got when I saw one of the members staring at one dancers backside when the spotlight faded after his solo had come to an end.

Jealousy is not a good look. The only reason these comments are being made is because these fans would like to be in the female's position. Look at what happened when it was revealed that Justin Bieber was dating Selena Gomez. Gomez caught the worst of it. The slut shaming, the threats, and the insults. But I have a few questions.

Who the hell are you to determine that these females are sluts? Who the hell are you to insist that these females aren't good enough for the object of your obsession? Who the hell are you to determine that they shouldn't date? You needn't fasten a chastity belt onto the celebrity you like because you don't know them, they don't know you and it will probably always be that way.

So if anything, it's you that needs to back the hell off and let them be normal human beings.

- Madam Tartuffe

Is Being Famous Really Worth It?

Sometimes I feel that we a a society care way too much about celebrities. I mean at the end of the day aren't they regular individuals just as the rest of us? They only difference is that hey are famous and are rich. When it get down to it they are just people. I don't understand why we obsess over what they do. All these tabloid websites and magazine exploit these people when all they are trying to do is live there lives.

They say with fame comes a price. Is that price your privacy? Is all that wealth and fame worth losing your privacy? One of your natural born rights? I for one don't think its worth it. I rather just have the wealth than the fame.

I wouldn't want my private life to be invaded just cause people want to know what I'm doing at all times. I kind of feel sorry for them. Yeah the might live the life but to give up something so precious as privacy is not worth any fame. I feel that money can not buy you normality. Once you have reached ultimate super stardom there is no coming back from that. You will never live a normal life again.

You won't be able to walk down the street without someone recognizing you or the paparazzi all in your face trying to take a picture of you. Us as a society do not make these people's lives any better by not giving them the privacy they deserve just like the privacy we get to have. How would you feel if one your natural rights were to be violated consentingly almost everyday? But then again the sort of kind of asked for it. They knew that lifestyle pays a hefty price.

Born This Way Hits The Shelves, But is it Unlike Anything We Seen Before?


Today Lady Gaga's latest album "Born This Way" hits stores. I honest don't care much for the album but her fans are going gaga for it! I must say she's really a talented and creative person but there is just too much hype with her and her music. It's not like her music is unlike anything we've never heard. If you do your musical homework it's much like Madonna's music back in the late 80s, early 90s.

They way she "reinvents" herself is the similar to the way Madonna use to back in that era. The only difference now is that Lady Gaga is bit more modern. Mostly everything she does like playing off this religion and creating new looks are the same thing Madonna has done. If you see Lady Gaga's video for "Judas" and see "Like A Prayer" by Madonna the concept of the videos are similar and the religious influence are incorporated into the videos and songs as well.

What I'm trying to say is that Lady Gaga is not an innovator more like a copy cat that adds a modern twist. If you guys were to do the musical homework you would see the similarities between these two artist. If I had to buy an album I'd hands down get "Like A Prayer" by Madonna.

I prefer originality versus something with a modern twist.

That's a wrap!

So this semester is coming to a close. I must say this has been the most stressful, crazy, cool, funnest, exciting semester I've ever had so far. The class I took were pretty cool. I'm lucky to say that the professor were pretty awesome for the exception of one. Even though I'm freaking about my final grades I'm still feeling good about it. All I can say whatever happens, happens and it's all for a reason. All I can do at this point all I can do let the game play it's self and enjoy life. I must say I had a blast this semester not only in school but in my personal life. I had a ton of fun with my friends this semester and mad a few new friends I know will be around for awhile. At work I final got the schedule I wanted and haven't had a closing shift in months. I finally got comfortable at my job and noticed my coworkers are some pretty cool people. Not only have a had fun I've also been a bit stressed out. It's mainly cause of this one class but I'm gonna put my best foot forward and hope for the best. I don't want to have a negative outlook on this it will only stress me out more than I am. As time keeps going I'm just learning more and more but isn't that what life is about? To just keep learning as we go along? All I know is that I've just learned so much not only in school but in my life and about myself. I feel that I have become a better and a stronger me. As I reflect on this semester I must say so far it's one of th best I just hope college just keeps getting better.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

End of the World is this Saturday !?

Okay to be honest its starting to become funny how there are over 5 different ,"end of the world." But i feel that only God knows, and when the end comes its comes, we can't do anything about it. Many people are paranoid and scared, while others like myself are just going on with our lives thinking (cool if it happens it happens).I heard on the knews that on the 21st we will being to have earthquakes and the world will come to an end little by little. So if that really does happen I will definelty hit up a jam and party all night, forget about school and work, eat whatever i want, and spend time with my family. I am pretty sure this wont happen because many people said the same thing about the year 2000,and nothing happened.

I really don't know all the May 21st 2011 info but here is a link:

Freshman year of college.

In a matter of days my freshman year of college will be OVER. I honestly can't believe it. Time has flown by. I've learned a lot, not only about myself but about the education system. As for me I learned that I need to apply my full potential. This year I've gotten so many "You have so much potential and you aren't where you should be." College is an entire new WORLD that high school DOES NOT prepare you for. I learned that time management is everything in college and that the professors could care less about YOU. I was a A/B+ student all four years of high school and once I hit college it was C's and D's. It's rough, so many times I wanted to quit. QUIT! I've made it this far and I know what I'm capable of next semester I need to let school be my number one priority and get my stuff done on time. Less procrastinating. I'm currently on academic probation because of remedial math and that is where the SCREWED up education system comes in. Senior year I was stuck taking FIVE regents because I had moved to PA in 11th grade and returned for 12th grade. So when I was applying for college I had NO regents. Which meant that even after I passed my regents to graduate HIGH SCHOOL placement testing was not optional once it was time for COLLEGE. After taking my placement test I was informed that I failed the easy part of the math placement test. Which made no sense. To make matters even worse had I scored ONE just ONE more point on my regents I would of been exempt from remedial math. Last semester I took the course and failed. Math is honestly my weakest subject exactly why I refused to re take the course this semester. I decided that I would start over next year with a new mentality and new determination. The question is not if I can do it because I know I can, the bigger question is if my professor this semester will have more patience and be more fluent in English. Now it's gonna take me an entire extra semester to receive my associates in Liberal arts, I mean if I really think about it it's just three more semester's that's it. I can do it. I wouldn't go back to high school if you paid me but I do wish college's were more well associated with it's student's. Where the professor's and students can build bonds and understandings.

Injuries On Top Of Injuries

Just when the Mets and their fans thought the season could not get any worse, they lose their all star third baseman. After undergoing an MRI on Monday reports began to surface that David Wright has a stress fracture in his lower back. This injury came as a surprise to not only David but also to Sandy Alderson the Mets general manager and David’s manager Terry Collins. According to an interview conducted yesterday David knew when the injury occurred. "I knew I did it on the Carlos Lee play at third base," David was referring to a play he made during the series vs. the Astros which took place on April 19th through the 21st. You’re probably asking yourself if this happened almost a month ago why are we just finding out about it now. David also answered that question in yesterday’s interview, “I felt stiff and sore, but I felt that it would go away in the next couple of weeks. I was on some medication and some anti-inflammatories that really weren’t doing much. That explains it now, because it's not a muscular thing.” The Mets cannot catch a break, this is their eighth player to get hurt this year. David will be joining fellow starters Angel Pagan, and Ike Davis on the DL list. He will also be joining pitchers Jenrry Mejia, Chris Young, and Johan Santana. Santana which was the Mets ace in the previous years has not thrown a pitch in 2011. This injury to David Wright has no timeframe for recovery as of yet. Doctors have told the organization that this injury can keep David out of the lineup anywhere from 2 weeks until the end of the year. No one enjoys seeing a player get hurt like this, let’s all wish Mr. Wright a fast and painless recovery.

Written By: Barry Allen

Jose, Jose, Jose!

Although the New York Mets are in last place in their division and will have to settle for another year as the second best baseball team in New York City, not all is bad over in Queens. The Mets have a player by the name of Jose Reyes, who is having a tremendous year. He currently has forty nine hits which has him tied for second place in the league, and only one hit behind the league leader. His six triples are leading the league, and the .320 batting average he has is ranked in the top fifty. Jose is not only a headache for opposing teams at the plate, he is also trouble once he gets on base. He leads the Mets in stolen bases and is tied for second place in the MLB. Just like in the hits category Jose is only behind the league leader in stolen bases by one. All those offensive numbers are great to mention but a good year for a baseball player comes when he is playing both sides of the field, and Jose is also doing that. He only has two errors on the year. The season is still very young, but this is the best season of Jose’s career so far and I think he will continue to be one of the only bright spots for the Mets this year.

Written by: Barry Allen

May. 21, 2011.

Word has it that the world is coming to an "End" this Saturday. I personally find it amusing that people go around spreading that we are all about to die. What's more hilarious is that the date the world is supposed to end changes so often. For the past few weeks each time I'm heading to work there is a group of people in the train station announcing that May.21,2011 is "Judgment Day." Like who are they to declare such things? These people really believe themselves. They have shirts with the date printed on them, they have fliers and handouts .. and my question is FOR WHAT?! I have thought about asking one of them how are they going to feel when they go to sleep that night. It's amazes me how they are so comfortable even trying to except that they are about to die (So they believe). I'm not so much of a church goer but I do believe in a higher power. As I get older I find extremely confusing trying to figure out why people believe their religion is the "Right" one. There are so many, so how are you to be sure? I do not believe in any of these sayings because it will just fill my mind with fear and I will not allow that to happen. Not that I am not afraid but I am young and should the world end some day soon I want to be satisfied with the way I lived my life. According to MY own belief's and choices and mine only.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Next Semester?

Hmmmm next semester should be quite interesting. For one I'll be closer to getting my degree. I really don' have any high expectations for next semester on a count of I have no idea if I'll even be sitting in a classroom come this fall. See I'm on academic probation. I guess having a high school mentality when it came to my school work got me here. I figured if I do this amount of work I should be able to pass right? WRONG! I ended up failing two classes which got me to where I now. So instead of thinking about next semester I'm still stuck on this one. I'm too busy worrying about what kind of grades I need to get to stay in school. If I get dismissed from school I'll have to sit out the the whole fall semester and enroll at another school come the spring semester. I really don't wanna sit out an entire semester. Let's just hope I don't have to.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Jordan's doing it again!

That's right if  you haven't heard Jordan will be releasing the Concord 11s this December! For all you Jordan heads out there you know he's been re-releasing a pair or 11s every December since 2008 (Bred -08,Space Jams-09, & Cool Greys-10). They haven't confirmed a date  but its a high anticpated release.

Just another Weekend.........of weddings, beatifications and dead infamous terrorists

It is springtime and the season is ripe in the media for news stories. April showers truly have blossomed into May flowers. Three major events have occured surrounding the May Day in the arena of politics, religion and ancient royalty. These are the stories the general populace eat up and spread like creame cheese on a fresh bagel.

In royal British history Prince William Windosr has married Kate Middleton in an elaborate Anglican ceremony at Westminster Abbey by Dr. Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury and Primate of the Anglican Communion. The royal couple tied the knot early Friday morning in the presence of clergy, nobility and close friends. Outside the Abbey and other hotspots to glean the couple thousands of fans and wellwishers camped alongside barricades in the hope of seeing the bride and groom. Up to a million people around the globe followed the tedious proceedings via television, radio, internet feeds and satellite.

Whether you wanted to see the bride's dress or see the spectacle of history most were pleased. Extensive coverage of the Wedding was provided by various networks. Many fans recalled the wedding of Princess Diana and Prince Charles at Saint Paul's Cathedral in 1981 and the subsequent divorce and tragic death of Diana. The populace was excited then and the world is excited more than ever. In the sermon preached by the bishop of London mentioned Saint Catherine of Siena and emphasized the importance of marriage in society hardly present today. Following the wedding the newlyweds went to Buckingham Palace via horsedrawn carriage to take wedding photos with the family. As coreographed the couple greeted exuberant fans at the balcony and kissed twice before leaving to the grand reception and party.

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The next event which riled up the world was the beatification of Pope John Paul II. The day before the ceremony a Vigil was held at the Circus Maximus in Rome. At the Vigil the nun whose Parkinson's disease was miraculously healed by the late Pontiff delivered a moving testimony as did his former secretary Cardinal Stanislaw Dziwisz. The next day throngs of pilgrims overflowed into Saint Peter's Square and the surrounding streets to see the ceremony presided by Pope Benedict XVI. After the formal petition made by the Cardinal the Pope pronounced John Paul II as beatified sitting at his throne by the altar. The crowds cheered and expressed emotions of joy.

Two nuns presented a reliquary containing the blood of the blessed to the Pontiff who proceeded to venerate it with passion. The Mass and Regina Coeli address continued as usual. In his homily Pope Benedict XVI praised the blessed Pope and relayed his experiences about working with him when he was a Cardinal in the Vatican. Following the Mass the coffin of Blessed John Paul II was placed in front of the main altar in the basilica. The Pope, cardinals, bishops and other clergy present had the oppurtunity to venerate the coffin. The faithful also had an oppurtunity to venerate the coffin until it was placed under the altar at the chapel of Saint Sebastian by the statue of the Pieta. The day after the joyous ceremony a final Mass of thanksgiving was celebrated by the Cardinal Secretary of State Tarcisio Bertone in Saint Peter's Square. As usual large numbers of pilgrims and tourists filled the square in honor of this beloved and blessed Pope.

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The Last bit of news for the weekend was the death and burial of Osama Bin Laden. This was formally announced by President Barack Obama in a Sunday evening Press Conference at the White House. Americans reacted with hope and joy at the unraveling development. Many crowded the streets in Ground Zero, the White House and Times Square for celebatory moments of happiness chanting USA! over and over. According to local newsreports Osama had been hiding in a house in Pakistan for five to six years. Before his capture a struggle ensued in which a woman was used as a shield and killed. Osama was also killed and his body taken by US Navy Seals. He was buried at sea and according to the religious Islamic custom and ritual. Though we still somberly mourn the victims of September 11 and other terrorist attacks we also anticipate September 12 by which the world heals from the wound of evil and recovers with the hope and charity of humanity.

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11 Year old girl abducted and turned into a sex slave.

Seven months after an eleven year old girl turns up, details of her abduction are released. She was lured from home (In the Bronx) by a sexual predator and turned into a sex slave. Thankfully it lasted just 5 days before the young girl picked up the phone and contacted her grandmother whose name is Yolanda Agostini. Agostini pleaded with her to escape and so she did as her captors slept. She was found by Police on Delancy St. and taken to Jacobi Medical Center where it had been confirmed that she had been raped. The young girl is being treated at Westchester Clinic and only returns home on the weekends. She expresses her anger towards her captors and wishes for pain upon them in return, all with out eye contact. The damage is clear and unfortunately everlasting. There has been no word on any suspects.

Why have Americans made such a big deal out of the Royal Wedding?

I believe Americans are the most noseist kiss ups of all time! So Kate Middleton and Prince William and get married what does that have to do with the U.S in any type of way? We don't even have any type of royal system in the U.S so why should we care if they got married? Its just ridiculous. People sat there at 4am to watch the wedding. They even had it in the jumbo-tron in Times Square for everyone to watch. They closed it down like it was New Years Eve all over again! They even had people selling replicas of the enagement ring and people have bought them like seriously? If England is or was excited about the royal marriage that makes sense but the U.S? C'mon really? We're just some dumb kiss ups

10 Deep and Reebok

The Brooklyn based clothing brand 10 Deep has done it again. They have ventured off into the footwear business to create their fourth shoe. After working with Timberland, Pro-Keds, and Adidas, they have now joined forces with Reebok to create the “Night Sky Mid” sneaker. When 10 Deep teamed up with Reebok their vision was to make something out of the ordinary, and they sure did. This sneaker has elements of both old school and new school Reeboks. They are durable enough for rough terrain, but also stylish enough to wear on other occasions. In addition, the sneaker comes equipped with two pairs of laces. Without a doubt this sneaker will be another hot item for the brand, and move off the shelves quickly. This shoe can be added on to the list of impressive collaborations from 10 Deep.
Written by: Barry Allen

Sunday, May 1, 2011



 "A good and historic day" for our nation as Pres. Obama said in his address of Osama's death. I cannot believe that the man who has caused so much misery and sadness to thousands of peoples, has finally been put to rest. We will reach the 10th year anniversary of 9/11, but this year will be a year of two things. Not just for the death of so many people on that day, but now the death of the man that was behind that terrible operation. Former Pres. Bush made us enter this war and claimed that Bin Laden would be found dead or alive. However, that never happened. Under Pres. Obama, we have finally found peace. This is a joyous time for the American people. This does not mean the war will completely end, but we have gotten a great achievement out of it after almost 10 years. Pres. Obama said his team was conducting an investigation in Pakistan and U.S. officials found Osama! I cannot believe that finally, like Pres. Obama said, "Justice has been done"!!


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Is Going Pro the Right Decision?

If you were given the opportunity to fulfill your life dream, would you take it? Duke University’s superstar freshman point guard Kyrie Irving sure will. On April 6th the 6-2 point guard declared he would enter the 2011 NBA Draft. I, like all Duke fans, would love if Kyrie decided to stay at Duke, but I also see why he would choose to leave. He is projected to be in the top three picks of the upcoming draft and some mock drafts even have him going as the first overall pick. For a kid who has dreamed about playing in the NBA all his life that is a tough offer to turn down. I think the most important reason for him to return to school is to finish receiving his education, although if he leaves he can still get his degree like many other athletes who left college early have done. His NBA stock status right now is as high as possible and if he stays in college he is risking the chance of getting hurt and losing value in the future. In addition to that he can start earning a living now instead of waiting another three years. Some people say he is not ready for the NBA because his season was extremely short this year, but in the short time he played he showed how he is obviously a great basketball player. He averaged over seventeen points and four assist per game. His ability to drive into the lane, pass, and hit the outside shots are signs that he has the capabilities to be a solid NBA player. Going to the NBA has more pro’s than con’s for Mr. Irving so I respect his decision and wish him the best.

Written by: Barry Allen

Bloggers to meet in Rome May 2

The day after the beatification of the late Pope John Paul II bloggers will meet with ecclesiastical representatives in Rome to fellowship and discuss issues within the community as well as communications in general. This event will be moderated by high ranking prelates and clerics who work with the media whenever Vatican services and liturgies are broadcast worldwide. "They are Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi of the Pontifical Council of Culture, Archbishop Claudio Celli of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications and Father Federico Lombardi of the Vatican’s Press Office and Vatican Radio." In a time when communication and technology is rising it is important for those who religiously blog to have their voices heard.

Article Source

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Knicks in the playoffs!

Seen in this photo is the New York Knicks "Big Three" Carmelo Anthony, Amare Stoudemire, and Chauncey Billups (Left to right). Both Anthony and Billups were recently traded to the Knicks and have so far met the fans expectations. This past sunday the Knicks won the Cavaliers 123-107 to gain there spot in the playoffs. It has been 7 years since the New York Knicks have particiapated in the NBA playoffs. Hopefully they can make it past the first round of playoffs and so on and win it all.
Seen in this photo is 19 year old Jenelle Evans, her mom Barbara and son Jace. Jenelle has been featured in a season of MTV's 16&Pregnant as well as this seasons Teen mom. Jenelle is known for her irresponsible behaviors and disrespectful demeanor towards her mother. Who has taken temporary custody of Jenelle's son. In just about every episode Jenelle is seen adding on to the horrible reputation she already has for partying, drinking, smoking, staying out several nights, stealing her mom's credit cards and running away to jersey with her boyfriend. Most recent becoming incarcerated because of him as well. Jenelle has yet to take responsibility for Jace and seems to blame it on her mother who is the only person who is ALWAYS there at the end of the day.

To read more on her incarceration click here:

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

McDonald's All American Game

Thanks to McDonald’s this week will be a very special one to the twenty four student athletes that got invited to take part in their All American game. McDonald’s has been holding this event since 1978, and they have had everybody from Magic Johnson to Lebron James wear the McDonald’s jersey. This week will be the equivalent of All Star Weekend to these high school seniors. McDonald’s runs a very well organized event every year. Each year the setting for the game changes, but no matter where the game is they make sure they put on a great event for the athletes and the community. In addition to the actual game McDonald’s also has a slam dunk contest, and a three point competition.  They also take the student athletes out to a Ronald McDonald House to visit kids who are less fortunate. From what I have heard and seen the visits to the Ronald McDonald Houses have a big impact on everyone. The athletes get to see that even though they are very young they are already being looked up to as role models, and the kids love seeing and getting a chance to talk to future NBA players. The game this year is in Chicago and the festivities started yesterday with the slam dunk contest. The game is on Wednesday at 10 p.m.  if you get a chance tune in. It should be a great game all the top high school talent will be in there.
Written by: Barry Allen

New Translation of the Roman Missal

Starting November 27 of this year English speaking Roman Catholics will be using a new translation of the Roman Missal. The Roman Missal is the book that contains the texts, prayers and rubrics used for Mass and other liturgical rites in the vernacular. It is also known as the Sacramentary and is supplemented by The Lectionary which has the readings used at Mass. The purpose of the recently approved translations is for a more faithful rendering of the original Latin texts.

The Ordinary Form of Mass was promulgated by Pope Paul VI in 1970 five years after the close of the Second Vatican Council. This was a dramatic change to the Extraordinary Form of Mass which had very strict rubrics.

The Ordinary Form of Mass is governed by the General Instruction of the Roman Missal (GIRM). This Mass permits the priest to face the congregation and stand behind the altar if it is freestanding. In this liturgy the ceremony is simplified by the reduced genuflections and options for brief readings and psalms.
The Internation Commision on English in the Liturgy (ICEL) is also assisting in the transition from the Missale Romanum 2002 to 2011. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) has many resources available on the upcoming Missal including samples of the new text. There are some groups and even a petition against the new Missal. Let us move forward and anticipate the much needed changes.


Working For Fast-Food is the Worst!!

Growing up I've always heard people say that working in fast food is one of the most underpaid and overworked jobs in the service industry. I never really belived or thought of it till i had no other choice than to apply to one. Like any other person, many people complain about how hard and boring their jobs are and how they wish they can just quite. Trust me, untill you work in the fast food industry, you don't know what hard work is. I had just been let go from a form employer, Party City, because it was seasonal, so i needed to find a new job asap. I applyed to retail stores, banks, and a few restauraunts. I got the call from Wendys around my house and i was excited because i finally got a call back and started right away. My 1st day there was hell, i was cashier and the machine was like some foreign object from space. I would be getting voids, punching in the wrong orders, but after a good week or two I kind of got the hang of it. The customers there explode if you get 1 little thing wrong, thats what stressed me out the most. I was 18 when i started and I've been workeding there for about 6months. Ive been applying to many different places but nothing. But i feel that in the end of the week the pay is sweet, and sooner or later I am going to find a better job for me.

Road to recovery.

It's true what they say "People can't remember when you did something good but let you do something bad and they'll never forget it." Chris brown has his domestic violence past of beating on his ex girlfriend Rihanna. While that happened two years ago and he has started over with an amazing new album people can't let go of the past. Everyone deserves a second chance. During an interview on Good morning America (A television show) the past situation kept being brought up. I honestly thought he handled the situation great, he told her TWICE that he was not there to speak on it and still she insisted. So ignorant.

To watch the interview click this link:

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Celebrity Priest on administrative leave amidst Accusations

Just when you think scandal in the Catholic Clerical realm was history, think again. An unnamed woman has accused Reverend Father John Corapi of drug and sexual exploits. This unidentified person was a former employee and had sent her affidavit to several American prelates. Following the publicity of these allegations The Religious Superior of Father Corapi's religious order Rev. Gerald Sheehan has suspended his priestly faculties pending the outcome of the investigation. A fund raising conference has been canceled due to the fact that he cannot appear.

Father Corapi has declared these allegations made against him are false and asks for the prayers of the faithful. Father John Corapi was born in 1947 in New York. He had military experience and attended Pace University. While he was financial advisor to Tropicana he also fell into drugs until he changed his ways. Corapi entered the seminary thereafter and was ordained in 1991 by the late Pope John Paul II. Father Corapi is known for his powerful orthodox preaching and dynamic testimony which has brought many into the Catholic fold. His previous sermons, conferences and talks have been broadcast on the Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN) where he has a show and has worked until this recent and unfortunate development.

It is quite unfortunate today that a person's reputation and character can be easily defamed by anonymous accusations which may or may not be true. This is due to the fact that the prelates must publicly wash their hands like Pontius Pilate. It has been known that clerical perpetrators of sexual child abuse have been moved from parish to parish by their bishop in order to avoid prosecution of the civil law. We live in a society where the defendant is innocent until proven guilty but the defendant in questioned is treated as though he was guilty. Hopefully justice will prevail for the defendant and his accuser who remains at large.


Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Fear Of God Mixtape Review

One half of the Virginia based rap duo “The Clipse” has recently released a single project.  Fear Of God is the name of Pusha T’s newest musical venture.  This is the first collection of music we will hear from him without his brother and band mate Malice. Even though I never doubted Pusha T’s ability to make his own music I can understand why people were skeptical about this mixtape, but people all that skepticism throw it out the window. Once the intro plays and you hear the voice of Tony Montana you know you’re in for something epic. This mixtape has features from some of the biggest artist and producers in the game. Artist like Rick Ross and 50 Cent pair up with Pusha T to make great music, and let’s not just give all the credit to the rappers, producers Kanye West and Pharrell Williams also took part in making this mixtape the great thing that it is.  Songs like “Open Your Eyes”, “Can I Live”, “Raid”, “Alone In Vegas”, and “I Still Wana” are tracks that will not disappoint any fan of rap. As for Pusha T fans you are also in for a treat because every verse Pusha T raps is classic Pusha T material. Makes me feel like I’m listening to old “Clipse” albums and that is truly a joy.
Written by: Barry Allen

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

March Madness

It's that time of the year again, when everyone is filling out their NCAA tournament brackets. Arguments will sprout all around the country about who’s going to upset who, or who’s going to be this year’s Cinderella story. This year’s NCAA tournament will be an interesting one. In the last couple of years there have been a few standout teams in college basketball. These teams were standouts that everybody knew were going to make it deep into March, but this year it’s a little different. The number one spot in the country has been awarded to many different teams and none of them were able to handle the pressure of being number one. Practically every team began to lose once they got into the number one spot. This goes to show us there are no outstanding teams this year in the NCAA, there’s just a bunch of good teams. That might sound like I am saying the NCAA tournament is not going to be any good this year, but with that statement I am actually saying the opposite. With no outstanding team this year the tournament will be a hard fought tournament by good teams. There will be upsets left and right because no one is really head and shoulders above the rest. Each team will have to bring energy and desire every night to advance to the next round, and we the audience will get to sit back and enjoy the show.

Written by: Barry Allen

With Disaster Comes Great Ignorance

With a death toll nearing 6,000 and over 10,000 more people unaccounted for, Japan is facing it's biggest crisis since World War II. Entire villages have been wiped out, homes have been destroyed, non stop after shocks have occurred, and families have literally been torn apart. Additionally, Japan is also dealing with a potential nuclear reactor disaster that threatens their existence every passing day. The title of this post derived from a comment I made on Twitter about the ignorance that was displayed following the earthquake and tsunami that struck Japan last Friday, March 11th. 

One would think that following such tragedy, people would somehow be empathetic and compassionate. However,  I believe it was foolish of me to expect of that of people. Shortly after the disaster occurred, Pearl Harbor started trending on Twitter. Surely this couldn't be right. Surely people wouldn't actually be linking recent human suffering to an event that took place nearly seventy years ago? Well, I'll have you know that's exactly what was happening.

I skimmed some of the comments made about Japan and it's relation to Pearl Harbor and trust me when I say that my blood began to boil. "Remember Pearl Harbor Japan? Karma's a bitch.", "I can't forgive Japan for Pearl Harbor LMAO", "No sympathy from me lol. Do you guys remember Pearl Harbor?" I continued reading these types comments on the verge of tears. How could people be so oblivious? So ridiculous? 

I would imagine this lot, and anyone that thinks like this, were the bunch that had an incredibly hard time in third grade history class. Do YOU remember that in retaliation to Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor, the U.S. dropped not one but two nuclear bombs on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Damn near obliterating both cities and it's people, by the way. At least Japan's attack was more so a military attack whereas the U.S. annihilated innocent civilians that had nothing to do with the war. Furthermore, Japan had the messy job of dealing with those who developed leukemia as a result of the bombing. Didn't know that bit did you?  I would say that makes the U.S. and Japan pretty damn squared at this point.

You can't forgive Japan for Pearl Harbor? What are you? In your twenties? Your parents weren't even around for World War II so please stop with your shenanigans. 

Mind you, I'm not saying the Japanese were right for their actions all those years ago. However, I'm astounded that people believe that U.S. doesn't have any blood on their hands in regards to the matter. And what's worse is that some people do realize that the U.S. did in fact retaliate and yet still believe that Japan deserves so much more than what they already got!

Furthermore, how can you blame the current Japanese generation for actions taken by a completely different generation almost seventy years ago? Not to mention, the U.S. and Japan have been allied since the 1960's so leave it alone! Japan was one of the countries that provided aid when Hurricane Katrina struck the U.S., so why shouldn't our nation assist them in their time of need? 

I know many Japanese people who think favorably of American people. I should hope that their opinions wouldn't change due to a certain groups blaring ignorance and lack of sympathy. There is a story behind everything. So how about picking up a book or even doing a quick Google search before making such asinine statements, huh?

- Madam Tartuffe

Natural and Nuclear turmoil in Japan

Last week an earthquake occured in the Sendai region of Japan. This in turn spawned a devastating tsunami which was reported to have gone at most six miles inland leaving behind it a path of destruction and thousands of people unaccounted for. The tsunami also triggered waves that reached other nations in the Pacific ocean up to the West Coast of California. Many were given ample warning to evacuate from these affected areas. The waves surged along the docks of Santa Cruz with heights up to eight feet. Five people in the area were swept away but foruntalety were resuced.

Thousands of lives were saved in Japan due to many measures taken by the government. Since Japan is close to prominent faultlines they design several structures to withstand earthquakes and hold annual earthquake drills. In this earthquake witnesses reported seeing the buildings sway back and forth but not collapse as expected. The first confirmed victim in Sendai was a Canadian priest whose car was hit by the fatal tsunami waves. The local diocesan bishop pledges that the Church in Japan will respond.

Many concerns arise from this natural disaster. The survival of the victims and the nuculear threat. After the earthquake the Fukushima Dai-ichi three nuclear power plants were at risk of meltdown. Those in the vicinity of the area were evacuated and checked for radiation. Those who had radiation would be decontaminated and others would be offered iodine pills as an extra precaution. Residents still in the area have been told to seal themselves indoors until the radiation levels decrease.

The economy in Japan has plummeted. Japan is the third largest economic power globally and is known for it's technological advances. Production at car plants have halted until fiuther notice. Thailand is inspecting Japanese imports  for radiation. Economic Interdependence between these nations as well as other countires like the United States and Philippines is going to struggle.

We can help the situation by donating our time and money as our means allow. Send donations to the Red Cross and other legitimate organizations invloved in the recovery process. Beware of scams and donate any goods you can. Other than that, we can simply offer a prayer.


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Pokémon: Black and White Game Review

Review of the Pokémon: Black and White Game

Let’s Review Pokémon: Black and White; by the way, I played the white version. Why the white version? Well, the only difference between the two are the types of monsters the player has to catch in each version and of course, an excuse to bother your parents or significant other to get you both versions to get a 100% completion! With that said, let’s talk a little about the Pokémon game franchise.

The Original Pokémon: Red and Blue Series, was originally out for the Game Boy (that’s the black and white Game Boy, no color) in 1996. All of this is revolving around a main character, named by the player, and his dream of being some sort of master of these critters. This old game kicks off with the main character leaving his home town on a journey to collect badges to prove his worth, thus bringing him closer to being a Pokémon master. Okay, so long story short the main goal is to catch all 150 critters, beat all eight gym leaders and elite four. By the way good luck doing that because Nintendo made it impossible to catch all 150 of the monsters with a single cartridge; that could be because they made two different versions, blue and red, putting half the monsters in one and half in the other, so unless you had a friend with the other version or two Game Boys, you couldn’t possibly finish the game. BUT! Times are a changing, let us see what’s new in the newly released versions Black and White. So about 15 Pokémon games later, they come out with black and white. Things have certainly changed and by changed I mean kind of not changed at all, and by not changed at all; I mean wow it’s really involved with itself. You start off as a kid, either boy or girl, leaving home to catch all the critters in the game and beat this seasons bad guy ,team plasma ,collect all eight gym badges, beat the elite four, then move on to the champion of all the lands. That was a mouthful!! It may sound like every other game, but this one is a lot more elaborate. You even meet the antagonist very early and discuss all his beliefs. Compared to red and blue, this game seems never-ending because to accomplish all the aforementioned tasks, you’re looking at over 100 hours of game play!!

Boatloads of stuff has been added! I would say about over a 100 new monsters to catch, racking up the Pokémon total well over 600. They have anew Gimmick mechanic to this version called the Dream World, where you can connect to a website made by Nintendo to unlock additional content and/or specific monsters with abilities you wouldn’t normally find without it. The running mechanic has been improved such that when holding the B button, you can run faster than the other versions which seems like a small thing, but if you have played the other versions or even the originals this is a very welcomed addition! New Moves and abilities have been added to these little monsters repertoire, so if you were hoping to depend on old tactics from previous generations you might as well throw out every strategy you’ve learned until the midgame because you won’t be encountering much from that playbook. The Market where you would purchase your healing items, pokéballs and other assorted items has moved into the Pokécenter and is now the one stop shop for all your healing needs. Graphics have improved but I wouldn’t necessarily give them a gold star for this because all games nowadays have nice graphics, but I will give them the gold star for what they did with the graphics by making the world your exploring, a feel genuinely big so when you enter a city you actually feel like you could get lost. Triple battles have been introduced into the world now which I personally feel is a bit much; But hey its different and at least they are trying to squeeze out every bit of different they can muster for this new iteration of the franchise!

I’ve played these games before and maybe it’s just me but this game never grabbed me like the previous release soul silver and heart gold. I was very put off to this game till the mid part of it. For one thing the new monsters you can catch ehh they’re not the prettiest things. I mean some of these sprites are just not to my personal taste and all I could think about is importing all the older characters to use, not the over powered, but just the ones I preferred because I felt the Pokémon made before this one just overall look better. But after a while I found a few that looked better than others, but personal preference, blah whatever! Also, this game is super involved in its own story. I mean having a story is fine but having too much story is not for me. I couldn’t even take one step out of tone without having my ear talked off and mashing the A button for what feels like five minutes. Constantly swapping out weaker monsters for stronger ones and banishing the weaker monsters to the cold abyss known as the pc to never be looked at again, leaves me in wanting to see a release of a version of this game where the main character has a surprise ending of being evil capturing monsters and removing them from their habitats just to have a complete collection just for the sake of having one. Speaking of the bad guys, the way the bad characters act are so comical, I could only imagine them as people with curly mustaches twisting them while laughing, like snidely whiplash. The whole team plasma as a whole, yes I get that your ironic in how you promote this whole freedom to Pokémon, but then later it shows as being cruel to them. I think eventually the player gets it and I would have preferred better developed bad guys, just saying!

Would I recommend this game? If you’re are a parent and want to keep the kids down for the next month or so then sure! As you’re at it, I recommend buying both versions! Even if you’ve played a Pokémon game before, I suggest you rent it first or borrow a friend’s because this game took me a while to get accustomed to; the game has a very strong middle and end. This could be because the previous games seemed so similar to each other, so your expectation seems the same, but you will be shocked! It throws tons and tons of content at you. They even go to extreme lengths to change the battle system, so you can be able to learn new strategies and find all the new type combination of monsters to build your perfect team of monster! By the way, there’s a Pokémon that looks like an ice-cream cone, it’s too adorable!! :)

Written by D.R.
Edited by C.P.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Religious tolerance in America and abroad

One of the foundations of America is religious tolerance. The first pilgirms from England a few centuries ago sought refuge from religious persecution. Today America is also a hotbed of religious intolerance. Many misconceptions and ambiguous incantations have yet to be cleared up. Those who adhere to the Muslim religion are persecuted for terrorism ever since September 11. Stereotypes of other faith systems include "cheap Jews", "pedophile Catholic Priests", "prejudiced Protestants", et cetera. Fortunately the first ammendment protecting freedom of religion and speech has stood against these rude remarks on the few who ruin it for the many. 

Representative Congressman Peter King has been known to have an anti-Muslim bias claiming that many extremists exist in local mosques. The fear of the Islamic religion is known as Islamophobia. Those who exhibit this fear believe America will be taken over with Shariah law and many structures with minarets will be built. Last year there was some controversy about an Islamic Community Center being established two blocks from Ground Zero in Manhattan. The local Media hasn't followed up since then but is now focusing on the revolutions in Egypt and Libya. Do we need to be afraid of the Islamic religion and those who devoutly practice it? Not at all, for how can you base a religion on the actions of only 19 hijackers? The Islamic religion has contributed many positive elements to society such as medicine, math, arts, caligraphy et cetera. In this case ignorance is definitely not bliss. In every faith system exist good people and bad people.

As a practicing Roman Catholic I have encountered the devout and deliquents of the church. By no means am I perfect but I strive to do that which is called good. Let us be kind to one another without compromising our beliefs. Let us be professional and unitive in working towards a better society in which all have a chance to express and say what needs to be said. The key to getting along is grounded knowledge which lessens our culpability of persecution. Remember why the first pilgrims came to this land of opportunity and let us carry on their work.


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Record Labels Putting Handcuffs On Artist

After reading an article on about Lupe Fiasco and his third studio album called “Lasers”, I find it sad how record companies handle business with their artist. In my opinion Lupe Fiasco is one of the most talented rappers of this day and age, and he has trouble getting a record company to make an album for him but people like Soulja Boy go platinum. It just does not make sense to me. Lupe and Atlantic Records have been having issues since 2009 about his album. I have never seen an artist and his fans do as much as Lupe and his fans did to make it possible that his album get a release date of March 8th 2011, which is today. They had protests and petitions made up and Lupe even discussed the issues at hand while on stage and in interviews. According to the article Lupe was forced to do certain radio friendly or commercial songs. By forced I mean he was told if he does not make certain songs that the label wanted they would pull the plug on his album. These acts by the record company is what makes Lupe “Love and hate this album.” “I don’t like the process behind Lasers. The music is dope but I just don’t like the process.” That is a direct quote from Lupe when he was asked why he hated the album. Whatever happened to the days when artists were able to get out their creativity however they wanted? It’s ironic how an artist who made a song called “Dumb It Down” which emphasizes how he will not stop being lyrical just so that more people can understand him, has been told to be less lyrical and has been put in a box by his record label. I remember listening to Lupe’s first two albums and just admiring his word play and his subject matter, hopefully one day he will be able to return back to his roots and put out the music he envisions in his mind.
Written by: Barry Allen

The Descent into Lent

Christians worldwide will begin Lent by solemnly observing Ash Wednesday. Before this holy day many people around the world most natably in the Americas have been celebrating Carnival which is a festival that precedes Lent and runs from the middle of January to Mardi Gras ("Fat Tuesday"). On Mardi Gras countless beads are worn and all people have a free pass on endlessly gorging on foods abundant with fat. These fats will be given up until Easter Sunday. On Ash Wednesday Catholics are marked with ashes which are acquired  by burning palm branches from the previous year's celebration of Palm Sunday. The ashes are blessed using holy water and are also fumigated with incense. The ashes are applied by the priest using his thumb to form a cross on the recipient's forehead. On this day Catholics are obligated to fast and abstain from meat this day and all Fridays of Lent. Fasting in this situation is defined as taking only one full meal and supplenting the full meal with two smaller meals which should not together equate to the amount of the full meal. In Rome Pope Benedict XVI will start a penitential procession from the Basilica of Saint Anselm to the Basilica of Santa Sabina which is the stational church of Ash Wednesday. At Santa Sabina he will celebrate Mass and bless ashes with which he will sprinkle over the tonsure of high ranking prelates present. In Europe the ashes are sprinkled lightly over one's tonsure rather than the forehead. Lent for Catholics is a time of prayer, fasting and almsgiving. Catholics are encouraged to give up favorite commodities, increase personal devotion and penance as well as emphasize on helping the poor in accordance to the Gospel. Catholics and non Catholics alike are invited to recieve ashes on their forhead because ahses are a sacramental and not a sacrament like Communion. Statistically speaking, Ash Wednesday is the day the most people show up for Church besides Christmas and Easter. On this day almost everyone wants to be seen as a penitential Catholic. In the Eastern Christian tradition Lent begins on a Monday. On that day they abstain from meat, eggs and dairy. Ashes are not distributed in the Eastern Christian churches with the exception of the Maronite Rite.

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Sunday, March 6, 2011

LASERS -- Lupe Fiascos Album Fiasco.


With three tracks released before hand, speculation of final album as a rapper, retirement, and even leaving his label. Atlantic Records has finally released Lupe Fiascos' junior album entitled "Lasers". Which according to Lupes' blog, was suppose to be released January of 2010 and titled L.U.P.End, being his final album as a rapper. The first single, "Shining Down" featured Matthew Santos and was released July 2009. A second single called "I'm beaming" was released in August 2009. Nine months later, and still no Lupe Fiasco album. Mid September he tweeted that the album was ready to be released, but Atlantic Records did not want to go forward with it because of the context of the album and anticipated low album sales. Finally after speeches, protest by fans at the New York City Atlantic Records office, and over 28,000 names on petitions, Atlantic records tweeted on October 7th, 2010 that the album would be entitled Lasers, and would be released March 8th, 2011. The first official single off the new Lasers album is called "The Show Goes On" produced by Kane Beats and has already been certified gold in the U.S for selling over 500,000 copies (Goes to show Atlantic was wrong and proves how faithful Fiasco fans really are). February 8th, 2011, Fiasco released another single off the Lasers album entitled "Words I never said" featuring singer/songwriter Skylar Grey.

1."Letting Go" (featuring Sarah Green)King David4:26
2."Words I Never Said(featuring Skylar Grey)Alex da Kid4:16
3."Till I Get There"  Needlz3:23
4."I Don't Wanna Care Right Now" (featuring MDMA)The Audibles4:15
5."Out of My Head" (featuring Trey Songz)Miykal Snoddy3:24
6."The Show Goes On"  Kane Beatz3:56
7."Beautiful Lasers (2 Ways)" (featuring MDMA)King David4:01
8."Coming Up" (featuring MDMA)King David3:58
9."State Run Radio" (featuring Matt Mahaffey)King David3:57
10."Break the Chain" (featuring Eric Turner and Sway)Ishi4:21
11."All Black Everything"  The Buchanans3:40
12."Never Forget You" (featuring John Legend)Jerry DuplessisSyience, Arden Altino4:04

Last week, Lupe released the official track list, on his website ( of the album including features and producers.

Be sure to listen out for the album Lasers which officially drops March 8th, 2011 (midnight on iTunes.) Fiasco is always known for bringing vibrant beats and witty smart lyrics to his music, with far from simple metaphors and grounded subjects.

    _ Geraldine Leibot.