Monday, February 28, 2011

Controversial Billboard in Soho

As Americans we do not like to talk about taboo topics such as gay marriage, abortion, terrorism et cetera. However a billboard that was placed in Soho last week is raising many eyebrows. The billboard depicts a beatiful girl and above her head a message reads "The Most Dangerous Place For An African American is in the Womb". This billboard was sponsored by the pro life group Life Always.  Many leaders in New York have denounced this billboard as racist, sobering and anti feminist. The child depicted on the billboard is the daughter of Tricia Fraser. This picture was obtained sometime after a family photoshoot.  The mother of the girl says she is educating her children that women have the right to choose and is demanding that her daughter's image to be taken down from the boards. Those on the otherside of the fence believe this is positive as it heightens awareness of the evils of abortion. Abortion was declared constitutional in the Supereme Court decision Roe V. Wade in 1973. A well known provider of early termination of pregnancies is Planned Parenthood. There are 250 people licensed to end abortions and statistics also indicate that forty one percent of pregnancies in New York City end in abortion. Sixty percent of those abortions were of African Americans. From generation to generation the concept of the beginning of life is always being debated while the definitive answer lies beneath our noses.




NYCCT Journalism said...

I am a frequent visitor in Soho and I never saw this billboard. I am not African American and I am offended by this poster. How was this pro life group even allowed to put up this billboard? It is highly offensive. Another thing that troubled me after reading this post is how many pregnancies end in abortion here in New York City. Forty one percent is a big number.

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