Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Tips For Learning A New Language

Hey language learners out there! Is that textbook just not cutting it anymore? Do you want to speak with actual fluency and not speak like a the dreaded "Textbook Robot"? Are you feeling bored learning the language of your choosing? I know the stress of working towards fluency in a language other than your own can be challenging but fear not, I have some useful tips for you!

Tip 1: Do What You Like To Do!

This is pretty simple. What do you enjoy doing? Do you like watching television? Listening to music? Reading? Well, learning a language is ten times more effective if you learn outside of a textbook. So why not learn doing something you like? You can always pick up new vocabulary and phrases this way.

Tip 2: Read Children's Books

Okay...this may sound crazy, and rather juvenile, but it works! By doing this you really get a feel of the language without the text being too difficult. Besides, children books can be fun and great to use if you work with children.

Tip 3: Have A Dictionary Handy

We are in the age of the smart phone! Use it to your advantage. There are bound to apps that can assist in your language learning. If your phone happens to be an relic, do it the old school way and get buy a dictionary! Again, this gets you closer and closer to being fluent.

Tip 4: Language Exchange

Regardless of the language you are learning, having a speaking partner can be of great help. This way you can work on your conversational skills, pick of new skills, potentially meet new people, and have someone there to correct you if you make a mistake. Some of you are probably thinking, "Mistakes?! I don't want to make a mistake! Totally embarrassing!" But let's be real for a second. You probably make mistakes in your native language! Nothing to be embarrassed about. How else will you learn?

Tip 5: Learn Vocabulary According to How They Are Grouped

What does this mean? Well, you should never ever learn random words grouped together when you are studying vocabulary. Learn vocabulary according to their relation to one another. For example, you can learn medical terminology, political terms, colors, days, numbers, counters and etc.  You are more likely to remember the vocabulary this way.

Have fun!

- Madam Tartuffe


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