Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Immigration in the chipotle business.

Chipotle is a fast food resturant that sells burritos. I love them. Everytime I walk into a chipotle resturant one thing catches my attention that would be the selected employees. They all seem to be of one race. So today I went to sign on my yahoo account and I came across a story that read "U.S. fast food caught in immigration crosshairs." There has been a federal investigation forcing many Chipotle resturants to lay off more than half of their staff. http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20110207/us_nm/us_usa_immigration_fastfood


NYCCT Journalism said...

oh darn it...a friend of mine just went to an interview for this place...smh...hope nothing is amiss there...

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