Wednesday, May 25, 2011

I'm Different. What's it to You?

Once, when I was in high school, a girl approached me and asked why I was into the things that I was into. See, I was the girl that loved rock music and it showed in the way I dressed. I loved games, comics, language -especially Japanese- and shows like Firefly. My high school was in Brooklyn; so it would be a understatement to say that I didn't quite blend well with a lot of kids that went there. Sure, I got along with everyone but I sure as hell didn't fit in.

I explained to her that the things I'm into have been apart of my life since I could remember and that they influence me. She then replied, "Oh, okay. I just wanted to know why because everyone thinks you and your friend -my friend who was my partner in crime and very similar to myself- are weird." Um...thanks? The things is, I've always known that people thought that I was weird. I saw how they looked at me. But I've never had anyone blatantly tell me it to my face.

Fast forward to present day. Yesterday, there were people salsa dancing in the cafeteria at City Tech. I saw them and I thought nothing of it. But two friends commented that they "hate when people do weird sh*t like that. Just dance out of nowhere when the time doesn't call for it." I totally didn't understand it. Who cares if they wanted to dance? Why did it even matter?

"I hate weird people." That's what one of my friends said. This immediately brought me back to high school. I had wondered if anyone ever said the same about me. I wondered if I had ever "wronged" someone because I was different.

"I guess you hate me because I'm different. As a matter of fact, I'm a lot like those people over there. And you know what else? They're actually really cool people." I retorted.

I'm gonna really blunt here. If you feel like you're above people because you're so called 'normal', then you need to get way over yourself. People were made to be individuals and if you hate that about people, if you hate the things that makes us different, I feel sorry for you because you're just a sheep.

- Madam Tartuffe


NYCCT Journalism said...

I completely agree! I hate when people say someone isn't normal just because they are different. Being different does not mean you're not normal it just means you're like everyone else around you. Society has the perception of how everyone should be and quite honestly I think it's so freaking dumb like seriously what happened to individuality? I had a similar situation in high school myself. I love rock music as well and growing up I listened to all kinds of music. My friends always use to say I was the weirdest Dominican they have ever met. They use to call me "La Gringa" (the white girl) because I was into what they called "white people" things which use to bug me because you can't stereotype the things one likes. To me it was just the things I liked, it may have been different but definitely not weird. If society was less judgmental and stereotypical the world would be a whole lot of a different and better place.

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